"After turning into the alley, you will see a brick red door, with an acerose tree at the entrance, that is my home."
In a time before GPS was invented, this was how I would direct the taxi driver to my home at the military family’s village. By the way, the taxi at the time was still dark red.
There are thousands upon thousands of stories on this island, reverberating the tranquil beauty of the ocean, echoing eternally in both space and time.
In Taiwan, every military family’s village has a hoard of stories relating to a cup of tea.
I grew up in a bittersweet environment. The military family’s village used to be a large community composed of people with various dialects, living habits, and tastes. These are the memories of my childhood that I seem to always come back to. Mingguang grocery store was the center hub where aunties and uncles from all over the neighborhood would gather to spend a whole afternoon making small talk over a cup of aiyu lemonade.
Wanpo wants to carry this legacy and continue passing it down for all to experience.
The slicky and slippery bubbles were sucked up along the straw with some milk tea, adding a touch of flavor with the mixed milk aroma and tea frag-rance.
Stewed in the liquid of golden sugar No. 2 with slow fire, the hot bubbles when mingled with the icy milk tea produce a strong chewy relish.
Indigenous tea transporting directly from the plantation gives a smooth mouthfeel and a lingering aftertaste upon entering the throat, without any tint of bitterness even remain untouched for a long time.
01QUALITYWe all have our own way of soothing the nostalgia. By recreating the native flavor out of local ingredients at a new land, we try to quell down the yearning for our hometown. Not only that, Wanpo aspires to reach a higher dimension where a new passion can be found with a resonance that can be heard throughout the land we live.
02SERVICEWe all have our own way of soothing the nostalgia. By recreating the native flavor out of local ingredients at a new land, we try to quell down the yearning for our hometown. Not only that, Wanpo aspires to reach a higher dimension where a new passion can be found with a resonance that can be heard throughout the land we live.
03PACKAGEWe all have our own way of soothing the nostalgia. By recreating the native flavor out of local ingredients at a new land, we try to quell down the yearning for our hometown. Not only that, Wanpo aspires to reach a higher dimension where a new passion can be found with a resonance that can be heard throughout the land we live.
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