AIM GOOD International Co.,LTD
版權所有 © 2019 AIM GOOD International All Rights Reserved
Tel. 0800-666-155


By adopting the tea-making methods of the early
days and local materials, Wanpo strictly controls
every procedure, from plucking, roasting, fire
complementing, and cooking. Additionally, all
sorts of tea varieties are carefully selected,
without using tea essence and chemical additives.
Wanpo persists in providing freshness. We make
sure that each sip is brewed on the spot, and the
crème de la creme of the soup. Wanpo persists in
offering the best taste. Each tea has its own brew-
ing time. We conduct tedious daily trial to ensure
that each cup of tea permeate with excellent
color, fragrance, and taste.
The bubbles are made of pure natural tapioca with
out any preservative added. By sticking to the
old-fashioned method, the bubbles, cooked with
slow fire for two hours with the golden sugar No.2,
are wrapped up with sugar cane fragrance inside
out. The crunchy and soft mouthfeel are guaranteed
with the standard SOP. It’s a perfect match wheth-
er goes with tea or milk. Bubble milk tea and brown
sugar pearl milk are the main products of Wanpo
Tea Shop.
There is a Taiwanese saying which goes: "A cool
heart leads to a great appetite." The yellowish
crystal aiyu jelly made by Wanpo with a soft and
tender mouthfeel, and tinted with tea flavor, per-
meate the air with Taiwan's unique summer appeal
and memories. It is a unique formula for heat
relief available only in Taiwan. Wanpo's gold
medal aiyu jelly has a retro flavor and is an art
feast prescribed specially catered to satisfy
summer appetite.
Grass jelly, sweet, light, and cold-natured, is
the top choice for heat relief in summertime.
After long simmering on slow fire, the savory,
mellow, and slippery grass jelly brings an unex-
pected delight. You will be thrown into ecstasy if
it goes with milk or sweet tea.
High quality lemon loaded with vitamin C, deliv-
ered straight from the source, sour and fruity, is
the best mate for the drinks. We insist to use
newly cut lemon to keep the freshness. Specially
made hot items are Aiyu Jelly Lemon Green Tea
and Winter Melon Lemonade.
Kumquat has astringent skin, sour flesh, and sweet
undertones. Our kumquat lemon tea with perfect
proportion of fresh kumquat and candied fruit is
refreshing and tasty. Brand new flavor combines
tea fragrances with fruit sweetness, is also one
of our signature products.
Slightly sour and with a touch of bitterness,
grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, pectin, lycopene,
and high fiber content, while with low calorie
content. It is also known as the panacea for weight

Zhongpu grapefruit green tea, loaded with pulp and
large pieces of fresh grapefruit, is one of a kind
in its high CP value content.